Lessons in Life: Go for It!

Photo on 9-1-12 at 5.28 PM #3

Going after what you want in this life is never easy, but I truly believe that nothing is ever really impossible. You might not always make it to you final destination, but you will be surprised how many obstacles you can overcome and how many points you can check off of “your bucket list” along the way.  When I was in my early twenties, I recall finding a list I had made with my cousin when I was a little girl (unfortunately I do not know where the list is now) but I recall almost falling out of my seat when I read it. The points on the list were simple, it was an answer to the age-old question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My desires were as follows:

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Ode to my Childhood



The older I get the more I smile every time I think of my childhood. Every time a child talks to me and tells me “I can’t wait till I am older cuz _______”, I laugh and I tell them to sit back and enjoy the “now” cause it’s time we can’t get back. Here’s my ode to childhood. I hope you enjoy it. 

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